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Web Design & Development Articles

How to Start Video Blogging?

Videoblogging is the next generation of posting ideas and products over the internet. Everybody knows about textblogging. Now they use videos for a better way of expression. This form of communication may entail a lot of resources, but it is all worth it. If pictures say a thousand words, videoblogging exceeds that by far.

A videoblog requires larger disk spaces on websites, a faster server, and a whole new set of ... Read More

  • Kanicen Nichathavan
  • 26/12/2014

Application Development

An Application is a computer program that is able to perform certain specific functions. Some conventional application include the word processors we use and even the email software. Web applications are advanced software applications. You can access these applications only through the Internet. Unlike the conventional applications, web applications are not loaded on local computer systems. Web applications are still not as advanced as the old applications but they are soon ... Read More

  • Mark Henry
  • 14/02/2007

SEO Page Design

When you design your site you need to make it appealing to your visitors and to the search engine spiders. Search engines read your site top to bottom, left to right. And so do your visitors thats why you need to design your site so that your visitors will find it easy to navigate and the search engine can easily read your content.

The page layout I recommend is as follows. At ... Read More

  • Daniel Welsch
  • 14/02/2007

Increasing Your Marketability: An Introduction to Accessible Web Design

Accessibility in Web Design addresses the issue of creating Web sites that are accessible to all users, regardless of physical ability or the way in which they are using the Internet.

Why Accessibility Is Important Why aren't all Web sites accessible? You may be asking yourself why this issue exists and why all Web sites aren't already accessible to all users. There are a number of reasons. Visually Disabled Users Visually ... Read More

  • Dallin Horneby
  • 14/02/2007

Website Traffic

Generate Traffic and Create Hits

This article is a quick overview of some methods of traffic generation and their advantages and disadvantages. It is the goal of any website of the internet to get traffic to the site, to be seen.

One of the problems is the internet is now so huge that there are more pages on the internet than people on the planet. How can you get hits and a flow ... Read More

  • alastair harris
  • 14/02/2007

Process on Optimizing your Site through Keywords

There are a lot of things to analyze on your site before you start optimizing your site. Such things are your site overview, nature of business, home page, site dimension and number of pages, product/services categories, page rank and indexed pages for major search engines, link popularity, and a lot more. After that you will go to your onpage and offpage optimization.

Analyze your site and think of a generic word ... Read More

  • Kristine Joy Francisco
  • 14/02/2007

Internet Marketing, the latest Trend of online marketing!

Internet Marketing is a new trend used for promoting your product or your website over the Internet. With increasing number of people becoming net surfers, it has become a vital part of your marketing to sell your product or promote your website via Internet.

In brief you can say "Internet Marketing" is a word which can be the perfect definition for a successful online business". The latest trend of online businesses ... Read More

  • jumphigher
  • 14/02/2007

Marketing Online With Niche Marketing Keywords

If your home based business depends on niche marketing, keywords are your best friends. If your answer to the first sentence was no, you are missing out on a lot of potential business.

This is because keywords are what people search for on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Excite, and if the keyword being searched on matches keywords provided on your Web site then your web page will be returned as ... Read More

  • Michael Biehn
  • 14/02/2007

How To Immediately Increase Your Adsense Clicks

Would you like to make one tiny addition to your pages and dramatically increase your AdSense clicks -- perhaps as much as threefold?

It's laughingly simple, yet the effect can be immediate.

All you need is to get some colorful digital photographs, either from your own stock or from a royalty-free web site. Then using a graphics program, such, as Real Draw PRO or Photoshop, create a strip of four ... Read More

  • Paul Hooper-Kelly
  • 26/02/2007

Use ems when Designing a Stretchable Elastic Website

Use ems when Designing a Stretchable Elastic Website

After designing a number of elastic, or fluid websites, I have come to the conclusion that using ems for sizing text is the best way to go. If you change the size of the reference font, (the browser's default font size), the font changes proportionately. Often, viewers who are a little more savvy, will change the text size in the browser. When ems have ... Read More

  • Curt Despres
  • 03/01/2008

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